Friday, October 22, 2010


Oh, the things this girl comes up with. She just cracks us up!!

  • "Grips" on socks are "groups" according to Emily. She loves them, they help her climb!!
  • She calls the handbells at church "dingbells." Emily says that is the sound they make.
  • Donnie and I love to play sudukio...she calls it "toy oak e o."
  • The other day I washed her favorite blanket. It upset her terribly. She cried and cried (yes, most of the tears were D.R.A.M.A). I asked her what was wrong. "I miss Pink Baby." Emily she was stinking and dirty. Her reply, "That's my business. I am your business and you take care of me, Pink Baby is my business and I will take care of her!!"
  • Wednesday when we went to church for Children's Choir, she didn't want to wear long pants. She hates to sweat, and she was afraid she would get too hot. I told her she would be fine, I wanted her to wear the long pants. She said all her friends would tease her and call her "Long Pants Emily."
  • The other day we were going to go kidnap Daddy and take him to lunch. I of course had to explain to her what Kidnap meant. While I was at it, I explained ransom as well. So we went into Daddy's work, and she told Daddy, "you have to come with me and Mommy." Then she went over to Daddy's boss and told him, "You can have daddy back if you give us 300 bucks." It was too cute!!
  • The other day I was brushing her hair out and it was in knots. I asked her where she got all the knots. Her answer, "mouse." She meant rats!!
  • She is extremely (and always has been) observant. She notices the slightest thing. and she always says: "something is different." Like the other day she said "Mommy shaves in the bath, and Daddy shaves out of the bath." Our neighbor got a new car 3 days ago. Today she said look Ms. Anne's car is a different color. She had a white Corolla, she now has a silver Corolloa. Daddy likes to drink from a 32 oz. plastic cup, and I like to drink from a 16 oz. cup. For no reason the other day I had the bigger cup and Daddy the smaller...she noticed and commented on it!!

I am still having quite a time with her hiding things!! She loves to hide keys, cell phones, library books and movies, anything that she can, she hides!! I know one day when she outgrows this phase, I am going to miss it....maybe!!

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