Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This is Emily's latest trick. Since she saw the big kids do headstands at tumble, she has been trying to do it. It is almost scary to see her try to do it on the floor - looks like she is going to break her neck!! But it is scarier to see her try to do it off the coffee table. She figured out that she could do it in the chair and use the chair back for support!! I like this method much better!! Next week she starts the "big kid" class at tumble. The 3 year old class is just the child, where under 3 is the mommy and me. She is so ready. The last month or so I have pretty much been just stepping back and letting her do. I think the toughest for her is going to be the listening and accepting help.

Preschool is going really good. It is a learning process for both of us. We both get a little frustrated at times. There are times that she just plain walks away. I wish I could too!! LOL. I try to show her how to do it, and she wants to do it her way. I have to keep reminding myself to not frustrate her, it has to be fun for her and whatever she learns now is laignape (something for nothing French saying used alot here in south). So far we have done worksheets that I have found on the internet. The other day I wrote her name and she traced it. It was amazing!! We have been doing worksheets on squares and circles. She loves to do mazes, but she just doesn't have the concept of how to do them.

Emily also loves to play games. She got several board games for her birthday and Christmas. Her and Daddy played M#nopoly last weekend. She was determined that she was big enough to play!!

I am also tting to get her in a Mother's Day Out program. I am looking for a place that I can just drop her off 1 or 2 days a month instead of the 2 days a week. My main objective with the Mother's Day Out is to give her playmates and an opportunity to play with kids her age. I have looked into 1 place so far, I need to get out the phonebook and see what I can find. It has just been so cold that I haven't felt like doing anything at all.

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