Saturday, December 13, 2008


Here are a few more pics of the snow. A snow of this magnitude is very rare for South Louisiana. It has been ten years since it snowed like this. I am from the north, so as a child I got to play in the snow every winter. It is one of my wishes that my child know the joy of playing in the snow. And to think, Emily will get to play in the snow 3 times this year!!! wow, more than I could have dreamed!!

Some of my favorite snow memories: Waking up on a cold morning and looking out the window and seeing a white blanket of snow (and hearing NO SCHOOL!!), every year around Nov. our picnic table in the back yard would be "lost" sometimes under as much as 3 feet of snow. I remember shoveling snow to earn Christmas money. And the many snowmen, igloos, forts, snow angels and snowball fights. I miss the peace and hush of fresh snow. The white Christmases...I still watch the sky in South Louisiana every year for the slightest hint of snow.

Oh memories, memories!!! Enjoy the pics of SNOW SOUTH LOUISIANA - DEC. 11, 2008.

1 comment:

jeanette said...

I cannot believe it snowed there!!! that's plain old crazy! :)