Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Emily pronounces her "F's" as "S's", thus the title. I was on the phone, and had the gate down and she decided the dog needed to be fed. She would fill the bowl and dump it on the floor and refill it. When this becomes her responsibility to feed the dog daily, I am going to remind her that she LOVES to feed the dog. Notice her intensity - now is that Donnie or what!!
Some other updates on Emily:
She can count to 3 ....in English and Spanish!!! Thanks to Dora for the Spanish
In October she doubled the amount of teeth. Since Jan. she had been getting 1 tooth a month, in Oct. she got about 8!!! We were just a little grouchy.
She continues to amaze us with what she says and how well she is able to communicate.
We went to the mall last Friday and she had her first Icee. Yum Yum!!! When she ate all she could she still enjoyed it...she dumped it on herself and had a ball playing in it!!
We are potty training. Some hours she is at the potty every 5 minutes, and then we have days when she won't go to the potty at all!!! I can always tell which days are going to be bad potty days. She has a potty book and she will read it out loud "NO peepee!!"
We are also working on colors a little bit. Blue seems to be her favorite color. She calls her blankies baby. We have red baby (which is red) and pink baby (pink). You can ask what color they are and they are blue!!!

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