Saturday, December 05, 2009


Sorry, no pics.

Today was our town's Christmas parade. Emily's favorite part was the candy!! We still for the most part limit the amount of candy (next to none!!), so she was in heaven with all the candy. Her and I fought over several pieces. She would pick it up, and immediately eat it. I finally gave her a sucker. It was s bit of a challenge to make sure she didn't have a pice of candy in her mouth that she could choke on, and keep her out of the road!!

This evening when it got dark, I took her riding to see the lights. She wasn't interested, she wanted to go home. Oh well!! I'll try again before the end of the year.

Tomorrow is the Reindeer games. Kind of funny to say that the Reindeer games were cancelled Friday night because of snow!! She is really excited about it. I think we are going to try to video it. I have yet to take the video camera when she tumbles, but I really need to. Next semester she will tumble without me, and that will make it a little easier.

Tomorrow night is also the children's musical at church. I know Emily will enjoy that. Next year she will be old enough to be in the preschool choir. She loves to sing and loves music, so I know she will really enjoy it.

Tomorrow at church we are going to take pictures of Emily and another China girl. Our minister of music has an 8 year old from China. She and Emily LOVE one another, and it is so sweet to see them together. Last year after Christmas a lady at church gave each one of the girls a matching dress that she had bought for her granddaughters. It was too late for Emily and Courtlyn to wear them, so we are going to dress them in them tomorrow and take pictures by the Christmas tree.

Till tomorrow......Good Night.

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