Tuesday, December 01, 2009


It is December first, and we did our first Christmas craft. I bought a cheap paper ornament kit from WallyWorld, and that's what we did. She had fun. She loved doing the glue. The kit had glitter in it, and I did the glittering. Momma wasn't quite ready to turn that one over to her yet. I do have to admit that her and I did get into an arguement while doing the craft time. The kit had a set of sticker letters and I wanted her to write out her name. She does know how to spell her name. I was telling her what letters to get, and in the middle of her name, she decided it needed an O (O is her favorite letter...go figure). I kept trying to tell her her name didn't have an O and she kept trying to tell me it did. And yes, I felt foolish for arguing with her about it!!

Tomorrow (Dec. 2) we are going to go to the mall. Our mall usually decorates big for Christmas, and I know she will enjoy seeing that. It has been a while since we have gone to the mall. This summer a frozen yogurt shop opened up just outside of the mall. It has a mascot of a man dressed up in a giant icecream cone suit. She is terrified of it, which is funny because she isn't afraid of ANYTHING. Any mention of the mall, and she immediately says she is afraid of the "ipecream cone man." She asked me today if the icecream cone man was going to be dressed as santa.

I may try to blog everyday this month...just don't hold your breath!! We may or may not do a craft everyday, but I would like to do something Christmas-y with her....we shall see.......

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