Monday, April 19, 2010

Miss Drama Queen

Oh, she is growing up so fast. She just kills me with the things that she says!!

  • the other night at bedtime, I asked her what she was thankful for, and she said "nothing." then before I could stop her she prayed, "Dear Jesus, thanks for nothing." I had to keep from laughing. She really was being genuine.
  • We were going to a craft show to visit with daddy a couple of weeks ago, and when we pulled into the parking lot, she saw the big inflatable jumpy things and she said, "my little eyes are all lit up, I am so excited." and her eyes were almost squinted closed, way too cute!!
  • She loves to get mail. I took her with me to check the mail and she said, " I have a big grin on my face, I hope I have mail."
  • I know these are all things that she has heard me say, but it is so cute when your words come out of their mouths!! The other day she was doing something, and would not stop after I told her several times to stop. I told her I was going to spank her (yes, we do spank here!!) and she told me she was going to spank me and I wouldn't be able to sit down for a day!! Now that was daddy's words!!!
  • I also think is cute and funny how literal children are. The neighbor was talking to her and told her she was going to be "brown as a biscuit" this summer. Emily just died laughing...I can only imagine what she was thinking!!
  • Oh and she is such a drama queen. The other night she was being very hyper and I was having a hard time getting her to settle down and eat her dinner. I wouldn't let her get up until she ate. She begged and begged to get up, the answer was no (we TRY VERY HARD to be firm with her). She started saying "nobody loves me." Oh, it was so heart breaking, and yes, a little funny too. We reassured her that we did love her. She then said, "if you loved me you would give in to me." I just turned the tables on her and told her if she loved ME she would give in to me and eat!! You guessed it, she had an answer for that. "But momma, I am only a child!!!"

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