Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Oh, can I tell you, this kid just cracks me up. She is talking in very complete sentences, and there is little that she can't or won't say!!

  • The other day she was looking for a specific toy in her toybox and couldn't find it and wanted me to help her. She said, " I am not the only one that can look!"
  • The other morning when she got up and came into our room, the dog followed. My mom came to get the dog, and she told her, "Grandma, that is my mommy's dog!" Yes, I got onto her for being "sassy."
  • "I am all about my daddy!"
  • The other night she prayed before she went to bed and she said, "Thank you God for nite nite, amen!"
  • If we are in the car, and I am trying to talk to her and she she doesn't want me to, she tells me, "Momma, just go!!"

1 comment:

Nikki said...

So cute, especially the first one :)
