Tuesday, February 03, 2009



Emily began taking her first steps in early Dec at 11 1/2 months and was fully walking in late Dec. early Jan. at age 12 1/2 months. The outfit that she is wearing was one of my favorites. I got it at a garage sale. And the one with Daddy at the bottom are of Daddy being silly. That is a pillowcase that he has on his head - and I am sure he won't be very happy that I posted them!!

Here are some current updates on Emily:

  • Growing like a weed of course.
  • Sleeping in her big girl bed (the daybed) and sleeps much better. She is also getting up on her own, so I have to really listen for her at night, or she will be roaming the house and having a good ole time!!
  • Last Sat. we went to a local Chinese restaurant for Chinese new year and saw the Lion Dance. She is still too little, she thought it was just OK, but Mom and Dad really enjoyed.
  • She is saying 5 and 6 words at a time, and is very opinionated. Here are some of the things she says, "Put movie in" "No like that" "Emmie happy baby"
  • Emily LOVES music, and has begun to sing several songs including Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We need to get the video camera out to record.
  • She can now reach and operate the VCR/DVD player and is climbing EVERYTHING.
  • Favorite toys: puzzles, play kitchen, dishes, food, Pla*dough, coloring, telephone, and books.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the update, she sure is beautiful