Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not in the Bloggy Mood

Just not in the mood to blog lately.

Emily's uncle (she and all the other neices and nephews called him "kuncle"). passed away suddenly almost 2 weeks ago. He was my oldest brother. He had an infection of the lining of the heart. I will blog more about him when I feel up to it. I do have a lot to blog about, just not in the bloggy mood.

Please pray for us in this difficult time. We tried to explain to Emily, but at 2, she has no idea what death is. We told everyone to tell her the same thing (Kunckle died and went to heaven with Jesus), so that she wouldn't get confused. Another part of me thinks she does understand in her own little 2 year old way.

I will try to get several posts together....I am so far behind!! I love to use my blog as a journal and online "scrapbook" so I need to get these updates done while they are still on my mind.


Jeanette said...

I'm so sorry Becky. I don't blame you for not being in the blogging mood. I will pray for your family during this difficult time.

Global Girl said...

So sorry; take care!