Friday, August 01, 2008


This was taken the day Emily came to the orphanage - 12/23/2006

This is her hands and feet - "inked" 1-30-2007


This was taken June 27,2007

We received the first pictures of our sweet Emily on Aug. 2, 2007. What a day!!! I had a funeral to go to in the morning and recieved "The call" in the afternoon. The first picture of her I saw took my breath away!! I never expected her to be as beautiful as she is/was. I was also blown away by her age - 7 1/2 months at referral. I was anticipating her being closer to 1 year or more. As for Daddy, he couldn't come home from work so that we could see her picture together, but he was just as excited as I was. This is typical Donnie personality: He couldn't see her picture till he killed the ants on the sidewalk!!!

To all of you still waiting, be encouraged . The wait is well worth it!! It is hard to beleive it has been since we first laid eyes on our precious baby.

To celebrate our anniversary, we are going to take Emily to the park. I'll post pics of our special time later.

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