Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hi - Yes, we are still alive - and doing very well, I might add!!
I know, it has been a while, still not quite sure if I am going to continue to blog - but will post again I guess.

Hard to beleive that we have now been home with Emily for almost 4 months. Part of me feels like it hasn't been that long and another part of me feels like we have had her forever. Part of me misses working and daily interacting with people, but I really do enjoy being a stay at home Mom. I can't imagine having her in daycare.

Emily is doing great. She is growing like a weed!! She is now almost 15 months old. She no longer looks like a baby. She has 3 teeth and is about to cut the 4th, and her hair is growing. She is so smart!! She loves to learn new things. She talks up a storm. Ok, she doesn't really talk, she says a lot of words. She loves sign language. We average about 3 new words a day, and about 3 new signs a week. Her favorite things are dogs, babies, and books.

Now that spring is almost here, and she is getting older, we will start getting out more. We are looking forward to trips to the zoo, the park, and just plain playing outside.

I still haven't gotten our China trip photos sorted and posted, but still plan on doing that. I am planning on updating my other website with pictures in the near future as well.

Happy Spring!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Trave Buddy
Lauren does hte same thing and loves Babies and books,not so much dogs
Hope all is well
Lisa,Rick,Brittany,and Lauren