I know, I have been a bad blogger lately. Blame it on
F$ceB%%k!! I will try to recap the month of May. Of course, at the beginning of May we went to the beach. Had a great time. We came home and had an end of school year party with the preschoolers through 5th grade at church. It was a lock in at a place that has inflatable bouncers. She loves that kind of stuff!! We didn't stay all night, but she had lots of fun. The pic of her with the tee-ball was taken at Aunt Trudy's house. I really wish we would have signed her up for tee-ball, I think she would have really enjoyed it. We have also been riding our new big girl bike, going to the park, swimming at home and at Granny's and playing at Ch$c-F*l*. June promises to be a very bus month too. We have VBS next week, Aunt Trudy is off the next week and we will do some things with her and her children, then we have swim lessons. We have 2 birthday parties this Sat. (June 5th). I am sure we will be hitting the splash park sometime soon too. And we always enjoy our sand table. Our summer is off to a good start, hope yours is too.