Friday, May 04, 2007


I saw this post on another blog that I watch whose LID (date of paperwork) is the same as mine, and it sums up my feelings as well:

The old news is that the last batch the CCAA only did 2 (yes I did not mistype 12 or 22) LIDs worth of referrals. (Oct 25 & 26th) Thus my lack of posting to my blog. It was just too darn depressing to write.The new News is that this month they managed to do 6 (yes again I did not mistype 16 or 26) LIDs worth of referrals. (Oct 27 - Nov 1)I am posting just so it does not seem that I have gone into hiding although I kind of have. So this means that if they can manage to do 17 days next time (FAT CHANCE) then we are next, or if they can do at least 8.5 days for the next two batches we will get our referral sometime in July. If they cannot manage either of these two scenarios then your guess or a crystal ball guess is as good as any prediction I might make.Anyway, after 18 months since LID and 2 years since applying, I am just numb and so I hope I can wake up enough to believe it when it really does happen.I do have to admit that when I saw the news that they actually did a day in November, I burst into tears. MY MONTH!!, they are actually in my month now.Stay tuned for the next batch and if I can manage to I will post sooner.